Green line (GN)
Runs between The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown and Jefferson High School/Southeast Tech on North Minnesota Ave., West Bailey St. and W Madison St.
Popular destinations: The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown, Premier Center, Southeast Tech, Jefferson High School, County Administration Building (Courthouse), and Sioux Falls Health Department.
Frequency and hours: Every 30 minutes during peak hours and every 60 minutes off-peak. Available between 6am - 7pm.
Route stops
Outbound (to Southeast Tech)
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
GN-2: 10th/Dakota NE (mid-block)
GN-3: 8th/Dakota NW
GN-4: Minnesota/4th SE
GN-5: Minnesota/1st SE
GN-6: Brookings/ Minnesota NW
GN-7: Brookings/ Prairie NE
GN-8: Bailey NE (Veterans Park)
GN-9: Bailey/West Ave NE
GN-10: West Ave/ Madison NW
GN-11: Madison/ West NW (Canaries Stadium)
GN-12: Madison/Western NE
GN-13: Madison/Lyndale NE
GN-14: Madison/Lincoln NE (mid-block, shelter)
GN-15: Madison/Kiwanis NE
GN-16: Kiwanis/Bailey SE
GN-17: Kiwanis/Russel SE (mid-block)
GN-18: Russell/Westport NE
GN-19: Maple/ Westport NW (Ramkota)
GN-20: Maple/Career NW
GN-21: Terry/ Career (Jefferson High School)
GN-22: Career Ave mid-block (Southeast Technical Institute)
GN-2: 10th/Dakota NE (mid-block)
GN-3: 8th/Dakota NW
GN-4: Minnesota/4th SE
GN-5: Minnesota/1st SE
GN-6: Brookings/ Minnesota NW
GN-7: Brookings/ Prairie NE
GN-8: Bailey NE (Veterans Park)
GN-9: Bailey/West Ave NE
GN-10: West Ave/ Madison NW
GN-11: Madison/ West NW (Canaries Stadium)
GN-12: Madison/Western NE
GN-13: Madison/Lyndale NE
GN-14: Madison/Lincoln NE (mid-block, shelter)
GN-15: Madison/Kiwanis NE
GN-16: Kiwanis/Bailey SE
GN-17: Kiwanis/Russel SE (mid-block)
GN-18: Russell/Westport NE
GN-19: Maple/ Westport NW (Ramkota)
GN-20: Maple/Career NW
GN-21: Terry/ Career (Jefferson High School)
GN-22: Career Ave mid-block (Southeast Technical Institute)
Inbound (to Downtown)
GN-23: Career/ Lackey Pl SE
GN-24: Westport/Maple SW
GN-25: Russell/ Louise SW (Shelter)
GN-26: Kiwanis/Brookings NW
GN-27: Madison/Garfield SW
GN-28: Madison/Holly SW
GN-29: Madison/Western SW (McCart Park)
GN-30: Madison mid-block south (Canaries Stadium)
GN-31: Bailey /Lake SE (mid-block, shelter)
GN-32: Bailey SE (Veterens Park)
GN-33: Bailey/Walts SW
GN-34: Brookings/Duluth SW
GN-35: Brookings/Minnesota SW
GN-36: Minnesota/2nd NW
GN-37: Minnesota/5th NW
GN-38: 8th/Main SW
GN-39: 10th/Main SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
GN-24: Westport/Maple SW
GN-25: Russell/ Louise SW (Shelter)
GN-26: Kiwanis/Brookings NW
GN-27: Madison/Garfield SW
GN-28: Madison/Holly SW
GN-29: Madison/Western SW (McCart Park)
GN-30: Madison mid-block south (Canaries Stadium)
GN-31: Bailey /Lake SE (mid-block, shelter)
GN-32: Bailey SE (Veterens Park)
GN-33: Bailey/Walts SW
GN-34: Brookings/Duluth SW
GN-35: Brookings/Minnesota SW
GN-36: Minnesota/2nd NW
GN-37: Minnesota/5th NW
GN-38: 8th/Main SW
GN-39: 10th/Main SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal