Orange line (OR)
Runs between The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown
and the Southwest Center along
South Grange Ave and West 49th Street.
Popular destinations: The Bus Stop (TBS)
Downtown, University of Sioux Falls
(Main campus), Glory House, Western
Shopping Center, Augustana University,
Empire Mall, Sanford Medical Center.
Frequency and hours: Runs every
60 minutes from 7am - 6pm. Starting Feb 3, 2025, runs begin at 6am.
Route stops
Outbound (to Southwest Center)
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
OR-2: 10th/Dakota NE (mid-block)
OR-3: 10th/Spring NE
OR-4: 10th/Prairie NE
OR-5: Grange/15th NW
OR-6: Grange/18th SW
OR-7: Grange/21st SW (Shelter)
OR-8: Grange/26th NW
OR-9: Grange/30th NW
OR-10: Grange/33rd NW
OR-11: Grange/37th NW
OR-12: 37th/ Lake NE
OR-13: West Ave/ 41st NW
OR-14: West Ave/ 49th NW
OR-15: 49th/ Western NE (shelter)
OR-16: 46th (north side) at Active Generations
OR-17: Elmwood/49th NW
OR-18: 49th/Oxbow NE (shelter)
SWC: Southwest Center, SAM's Transit Hub
OR-2: 10th/Dakota NE (mid-block)
OR-3: 10th/Spring NE
OR-4: 10th/Prairie NE
OR-5: Grange/15th NW
OR-6: Grange/18th SW
OR-7: Grange/21st SW (Shelter)
OR-8: Grange/26th NW
OR-9: Grange/30th NW
OR-10: Grange/33rd NW
OR-11: Grange/37th NW
OR-12: 37th/ Lake NE
OR-13: West Ave/ 41st NW
OR-14: West Ave/ 49th NW
OR-15: 49th/ Western NE (shelter)
OR-16: 46th (north side) at Active Generations
OR-17: Elmwood/49th NW
OR-18: 49th/Oxbow NE (shelter)
SWC: Southwest Center, SAM's Transit Hub
Inbound (to Downtown)
SWC: Southwest Center, SAM's Transit Hub
OR-20: Technology Dr/ Technology Cir SE
OR-21: Technology Dr/ Valhalla SE
OR-22: 49th/Oxbow SW (bench)
OR-23: 46th (south side) at Active Generations
OR-24: 49th (mid-block south between Western and West)
OR-25: West/ 44th NE (mid-block)
OR-26: West/ 37th SE
OR-27: Grange/33rd SE
OR-28: Grange/30th NE (shelter)
OR-29: Grange/28th SE
OR-30: Grange/26th SE
OR-31: Grange/22nd SE
OR-32: Grange/18th SE (Shelter)
OR-33: Grange/15th SE
OR-34: 11th/Prairie SW
OR-35: 11th/Spring SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
OR-20: Technology Dr/ Technology Cir SE
OR-21: Technology Dr/ Valhalla SE
OR-22: 49th/Oxbow SW (bench)
OR-23: 46th (south side) at Active Generations
OR-24: 49th (mid-block south between Western and West)
OR-25: West/ 44th NE (mid-block)
OR-26: West/ 37th SE
OR-27: Grange/33rd SE
OR-28: Grange/30th NE (shelter)
OR-29: Grange/28th SE
OR-30: Grange/26th SE
OR-31: Grange/22nd SE
OR-32: Grange/18th SE (Shelter)
OR-33: Grange/15th SE
OR-34: 11th/Prairie SW
OR-35: 11th/Spring SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal