Purple line (PR)
Runs between The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown and the East Walmart, along North Weber Ave, East Rice St, North Cleveland, and East 6th St.
Popular destinations: The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown, Walmart East, Banquet, Springbrook Estates, Dakota Ridge Apartments, Washington High School.
Frequency and hours: Every 60 minutes between 7am - 7pm. Starting Feb 3, 2025, runs begin at 6am.
Route map
Route stops
Outbound (to Walmart East)
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
PR-2: Phillips/8th SE corner
PR-3: 8th/Railroad S (mid-block)
PR-4: Weber/6th NE
PR-5: Weber/4th SE
PR-6: Weber/ Falls Park Entrance E
PR-7: Weber E (Smithfield, Shelter)
PR-8: Rice/Cliff SW
PR-9: Rice/Wayland SW
PR-10: Rice/Jessica SW
PR-11: Rice/Lowell SW
PR-12: Cleveland/Rice SW (mid-block)
PR-13: Cleveland/ Turning Leaf Apts W (Shelter)
PR-14: Cleveland/Bunker Pl SW
PR-15: Cleveland at Springbrook Estates W
PR-16: 6th/Shephard SW (Shelter, Bench)
PR-17: Bahnson/6th NE (mid-block)
PR-18: 3rd/Montgomery SW
PR-19: 3rd/ Sycamore SW (Washington High School)
PR-20: 6th/Sycamore SE (mid-block, Shelter)
PR-21: 6th/Dewberry SW
PR-22: Foss/Ryan Pl SW
PR-23: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
PR-2: Phillips/8th SE corner
PR-3: 8th/Railroad S (mid-block)
PR-4: Weber/6th NE
PR-5: Weber/4th SE
PR-6: Weber/ Falls Park Entrance E
PR-7: Weber E (Smithfield, Shelter)
PR-8: Rice/Cliff SW
PR-9: Rice/Wayland SW
PR-10: Rice/Jessica SW
PR-11: Rice/Lowell SW
PR-12: Cleveland/Rice SW (mid-block)
PR-13: Cleveland/ Turning Leaf Apts W (Shelter)
PR-14: Cleveland/Bunker Pl SW
PR-15: Cleveland at Springbrook Estates W
PR-16: 6th/Shephard SW (Shelter, Bench)
PR-17: Bahnson/6th NE (mid-block)
PR-18: 3rd/Montgomery SW
PR-19: 3rd/ Sycamore SW (Washington High School)
PR-20: 6th/Sycamore SE (mid-block, Shelter)
PR-21: 6th/Dewberry SW
PR-22: Foss/Ryan Pl SW
PR-23: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
Inbound (to Downtown)
PR-24: 6th/ Dubuque NE
PR-25: 6th/ Sycamore NE
PR-26: 6th/ Washington High School Driveway (mid-block)
PR-27: 6th/Bahnson NE
PR-28: 6th/Shepard NW
PR-29: 6th/ Cleveland NE
PR-30: Cleveland/Madison SE
PR-31: Rice/Jessica NE
PR-32: Rice/Wayland NE
PR-33: Rice/Weber NW (Smithfield)
PR-34: Weber/ Falls Park Entrance W
PR-35: Weber/6th NW
PR-36: 8th/Franklin SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
PR-25: 6th/ Sycamore NE
PR-26: 6th/ Washington High School Driveway (mid-block)
PR-27: 6th/Bahnson NE
PR-28: 6th/Shepard NW
PR-29: 6th/ Cleveland NE
PR-30: Cleveland/Madison SE
PR-31: Rice/Jessica NE
PR-32: Rice/Wayland NE
PR-33: Rice/Weber NW (Smithfield)
PR-34: Weber/ Falls Park Entrance W
PR-35: Weber/6th NW
PR-36: 8th/Franklin SW
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal