Red line (RL)
Runs between The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown
and the East Walmart along East 10th St. Makes loop to Dawley Farm Village and State One Stop on Highland Ave.
Popular destinations: The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown, State One Stop, Walmart East, Aldi, Hy-Vee, Empower Campus, Dawley Farm Village.
Frequency and hours: Every 30 minutes
between 6:30am - 8pm. Saturday service
every 60 minutes between 8am - 5pm. Starting Feb 3, 2025 weekday runs begin at 6am.
Route stops
Outbound (to Walmart & One Stop)
RD-2: 10th/Indiana (State Offices, Bench)
RD-3: E 10th between Cliff and Van Eps (bench)
RD-4: E 10th/Blauvelt SW
RD-5: E 10th/Jessica SW (bench)
RD-6: E 10th/St. Paul SW
RD-7: 10th/Lowell SW
RD-8: E 10th/ Across from Hyvee (shelter)
RD-9: E 10th/Bahnson SW
RD-10: E 10th/ Runnings
RD-11: E 10th/ Charlotte SW
RD-12: Arrowhead Pkwy/ Foss Ave SW
RD-13: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
RD-14: Arrowhead Pkwy/Highline SW
RD-15: Highline Place/Tree Blvd (between Target & Kohls)
RD-16: Highline/ Century Theaters W
RD-17: Highline/ One Stop
RD-18: Highline/ E 26th NW
RD-19: Foss/Blarney Pl SE
RD-20: Foss / E 18th St SE
RD-13: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
Inbound (to Downtown)
RD-21: Arrowhead Pkwy/ Gordon NE
RD-22: E 10th between Sycamore and Bahnson
RD-23: E 10th between Sneve and Bahnson
RD-24: E 10th/Cleveland NW
RD-25: E 10th/Lowell NE
RD-26: E 10th/Jessica NW
RD-27: E 10th/Blauvelt NE (bench)
RD-28: E 10th/Cliff NE
RD-29: E. 10th/ Fairfax (bench)
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal