Yellow line (YL)
Runs between The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown and the East Walmart, along East 14th St., East 18th St., and East 26th St.
Popular destinations: The Bus Stop (TBS) Downtown, Walmart East, Hy-Vee.
Frequency and hours: Every 30 minutes during peak hours and every 60 minutes off-peak. Service available between 7AM - 9PM.
Route stops
Outbound (to Walmart East)
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
YL-2: 14th/4th Ave SW
YL-3: 14th/6th Ave SW YL-3
YL-4: 14th/ Cliff (Between 9th & Cliff)
YL-5: River Blvd/17th NW
YL-6: 18th/Foster Ave SW
YL-7: 18th/Blaine SE (Shelter)
YL-8: Cleveland/22nd SW
YL-9: 26th/Village Square SW (mid-block)
YL-10: 26th/Bahnson SW
YL-11: 26th/Judy SW
YL-12: Sycamore/26th NE (mid-block)
YL-13: Sycamore/23rd SE
YL-14: Sycamore/18th SE
YL-15: 18th St/Joliet SW
YL-16: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
YL-2: 14th/4th Ave SW
YL-3: 14th/6th Ave SW YL-3
YL-4: 14th/ Cliff (Between 9th & Cliff)
YL-5: River Blvd/17th NW
YL-6: 18th/Foster Ave SW
YL-7: 18th/Blaine SE (Shelter)
YL-8: Cleveland/22nd SW
YL-9: 26th/Village Square SW (mid-block)
YL-10: 26th/Bahnson SW
YL-11: 26th/Judy SW
YL-12: Sycamore/26th NE (mid-block)
YL-13: Sycamore/23rd SE
YL-14: Sycamore/18th SE
YL-15: 18th St/Joliet SW
YL-16: East Walmart (West Side of Bldg, Shelter)
Inbound (to Downtown)
YL-17: Foss Ave/ 18th St NW
YL-18: 18th/ Suburban Dr NE
YL-19: Sycamore/23rd NW
YL-20: Sycamore/26th NW (Hy-Vee, Shelter)
YL-21: 26th/Judy NE
YL-22: 26th/Bahnson NE
YL-23: 26th/Village Square NW (Shelter)
YL-24: 26th/Cleveland NE
YL-25: Cleveland/22nd SE (Shelter)
YL-26: Cleveland/19th SE
YL-27: 18th/Blaine NE
YL-28: 18th/Lowell NE corner
YL-29: 18th/Southeastern Ave NE
YL-30: 18th/ River Blvd NE (Greenway entrance)
YL-31: 14th/ Cliff NW (mid-block, Shelter)
YL-32: 14th/6th Ave NE
YL-33: 14th/4th Ave NE
YL-34: 2nd Ave/13th SE
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal
YL-18: 18th/ Suburban Dr NE
YL-19: Sycamore/23rd NW
YL-20: Sycamore/26th NW (Hy-Vee, Shelter)
YL-21: 26th/Judy NE
YL-22: 26th/Bahnson NE
YL-23: 26th/Village Square NW (Shelter)
YL-24: 26th/Cleveland NE
YL-25: Cleveland/22nd SE (Shelter)
YL-26: Cleveland/19th SE
YL-27: 18th/Blaine NE
YL-28: 18th/Lowell NE corner
YL-29: 18th/Southeastern Ave NE
YL-30: 18th/ River Blvd NE (Greenway entrance)
YL-31: 14th/ Cliff NW (mid-block, Shelter)
YL-32: 14th/6th Ave NE
YL-33: 14th/4th Ave NE
YL-34: 2nd Ave/13th SE
TBS: The Bus Stop, SAM's Downtown Terminal