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SAM Paratransit

Sioux Area Metro Paratransit is a door-to-door shared ride transportation service for persons who are, due to functional limitation(s), unable to use the accessible fixed-route bus service. Passengers must be certified eligible per guidelines established in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Sioux Area Metro's fixed-route buses and On Demand services are wheelchair accessible and riders are eligible to take those services in addition to paratransit. SAM provides free individualized travel training to assist new passengers in learning how to ride these buses.

Paratransit Rider's Guide

Learn more about the Paratransit service in the Rider's Guide. This guide is available in multiple formats (large print, CD, and audio) — call (605) 460-6256 for access.

If you would like to schedule a ride by phone, or have any questions, call Sioux Area Metro at (605) 460-6256
Mon - Sat. 8am - 5pm.

Paratransit service area

Via SAM_Zone Map_Paratransit


Service info

Monday - Friday

5:15am - 9:15pm


7:30am - 7pm

Contact us

Monday - Saturday 8am - 5pm

(605) 460-6256