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Fares & Passes

 Sioux Area Metro (SAM) strives to provide affordable, reliable public transportation to all Sioux Falls residents through a variety of programs. Find out more about these programs, fares, and how to pay below.


Elderly (over 65)*
Persons with disabilities*
Medicare cardholders
Veterans (with approved ID)*

Youth (11-18) with school ID or SAM Freedom Pass

Children 10 yrs. and under**
Paratransit rides

*Eligibility card required for discounted fare. Application available at the downtown bus depot or Sioux Area Metro offices or by calling Sioux Area metro.

**Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

Bus & SAM On Demand passes

10-ride pass
1-day pass
7-day pass
30-day pass
1-day pass, elderly (65+) and persons with a disability
7-day pass, elderly (65+) and persons with a disability
30-day pass, elderly (65+) and persons with a disability


Transferring between two buses or between bus and SAM On Demand trips is free when using 1) a single ride ticket purchased in the Token Transit app 2) a 1-day, 7-Day, or 30-day pass. Otherwise riders must pay for each leg of their journey.

Fare capping

Fare capping is available via the Token Transit app only. Fare capping limits how much riders pay for trips in a day, week, or 30-day period.

Once ticket purchases in any given time period (1-day, 7-day, or 30-day) add up to the cost of a pass, riders will automatically be provided the pass for the remainder of that period. Tickets must be activated to be considered for fare capping.

Example: I ride the bus four times in one day. I purchase four 1-ride tickets at $1.50 per ride, which adds up to $6. When I activate my third 1-ride ticket in the Token Transit app, I am automatically upgraded to the 1-day pass, which costs $3. I am refunded the $1.50 I paid for activating the third 1-ride ticket and take my fourth ride for free with the 1-day pass. The fourth 1-ride ticket I purchased remains in my wallet for another day.

How to pay

Pay with cash

Pay a one-way fare when you board the bus. Please pay with exact change; change will not be provided.

At the downtown depot:
You can also purchase bus passes with cash at the Downtown Bus Depot.

At select Lewis Drug locations:
Only the following tickets/passes are for sale at Lewis Drug locations: 30 day monthly - full & reduced fares, 10 ride tickets, full books of Paratransit tickets.

Participating Lewis Drug locations include: E. 10th Street, 41st and Marion, 26th and Sycamore, 12th and Kiwanis.

Pay with card

You may bus pass with your credit or debit card.

In the SAM Transit App:
On Demand rides may be paid for with a debit or credit card directly in the SAM Transit app.

In the Token Transit App:
You may also pay with credit or debit card using the Token Transit app for all bus tickets and passes.

At the downtown depot:
During regular business hours all passes and tickets may be purchased using a debit or credit card.

At select Lewis Drug Locations:
Only the following tickets/passes are for sale at Lewis Drug locations: 30 day monthly - full & reduced fares, 10 ride tickets, full books of Paratransit tickets.

Participating Lewis Drug locations include: E. 10th Street, 41st and Marion, 26th and Sycamore, 12th and Kiwanis.


Pay with Token Transit

Sioux Area Metro has partnered with Token Transit to offer a new way to purchase and use bus passes on your smartphone!

Token Transit offers an alternative to using cash by using your smartphone as a digital bus pass. Customers can use an online payment to purchase SAM single ride and monthly passes from anywhere! Passes can be purchased for immediate use, or if you're planning ahead, they can be stored on Token Transit for future trips on SAM.

If you are eligible for discounted fares, show your eligibility card/ID with your mobile confirmation when boarding the bus.

Download Token Transit for Android or iOS.